Breakfast links: Paved paradise edition

Photo by craig1black on Flickr.

AP covers parking minimums: This Associated Press article summarizes the debate over relaxing parking minimums. The article quotes Jeff Speck, who testified in favor of relaxing minumums, and Capitol Hill ANC Commissioner Ken Jarboe, who testified against. It also gives an example of a historic Milwaukee building which burned down and couldn’t redevelop until the city relaxed parking requirements. Tip: Allen, Dan E.

Parking point-counterpoint: Donald Shoup debates a planner from West Hollywood, CA on the merits of performance parking. Norte, the opponent, argues that we shouldn’t consider parking reforms until we expand mass transit, ignoring that performance parking can be the way to pay for that expansion.

Another shot for Third Church: The “Mayor’s Agent” will hear Third Church’s appeal of HPRB’s decision denying them permission to raze their building. A victory for the church in this process would be much better than winning their civil rights lawsuit and potentially ending up with new special rights for churches in historic preservation.

Pleasant and unpleasant non-surprises: Fairfax supervisors approve the Tysons vision; Metro needs gobs of money; The MoCo Planning Board still rejects the ICC bike trail.