Option 1c, selected for the Silver Spring Library (skybridge not shown).

No skybridges allowed? After a Montgomery County Council committee voted to choose an option for the Silver Spring Library containing a $684,000 (and unnecessary) skybridge, Planning Board Staff discovered a 1999 policy for Silver Spring prohibiting skybridges. The Council may hold another community meeting in January to dedcide.

why.i.hate.why.i.hate.dc: SWDC Blog interviews the new writer of why.i.hate.dc, who lives in Southwest and says he ‘hates’ DC because he wants to see DC get better. He lives 5 minutes from his job on Capitol Hill, but still drives most days, except the occasional really nice day when he walks. That’s the effect of completely free parking: even people who’re mere blocks from work may drive because it’s easier. (I don’t really hate why.i.hate.dc; I just want to see his commute get better.)

Where’s the power? The three ANCs along the H Street NE corridor, and the new H Street-Benning Road Streetcar Alliance, have asked DDOT to explain how they plan to power streetcars inside the L’Enfant City, which includes H Street. Since a federal law prohibits overhead wires and in-ground systems seem impractical, they want a straight answer about whether there are actual alternatives or DC is going to try to change that law.