Walking: so crazy it’s almost illegal: A group of Alabama students is responding to high gas prices by walking to school. Their courage is even more notable because parade rules almost made their actions illegal and their town lacks sidewalks.

Oops, we forgot the pedestrian entrance: Fairfax’s Metro stations were all designed exclusively for drivers, and they’re regretting it. The West Falls Church station is totally inaccessible to pedestrians today. There’s a walkable back entrance to the West Falls Church Metro station, but it’s only open to employees. Now local officials want to allow walking, reports the Post.

Keeping Conn. Ave. safe for anthropophobes: The ANC Commissioner who forced Comet Ping Pong Pizza to remove their sidewalk table has struck another blow for streets devoid of life, this time eliminating unpermitted but popular benches and tables outside the local grocery. (Marc Fisher)