702-704 Quincy St704 Quincy Street, NW

Left: Built ca. 1907, this photo shows 702 and 704 Quincy Street, NW ca. 1920. Right: Other than being brightly painted, the row of four including 704 is still in fairly good shape. As you can see below, each house has been painted to make it separate from the others. The only major change viewable from the street is that the corner house has been popped up and converted into multiple units. You can get a better idea from the second photo below.

700-6 Quincy Street
700 Quincy
Tagged: dc, history, petworth

Kent Boese posts items of historic interest, primarily within the District. He’s worked in libraries since 1994, both federal and law, and currently works on K Street. He’s been an Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner serving the northern Columbia Heights and Park View neighborhoods since 2011 (ANC 1A), and served as the Commission’s Chair since 2013. He has a MS in Design from Arizona State University with strong interests in preservation, planning, and zoning. Kent is also the force behind the blog Park View, DC.