Breakfast links: Baby steps from car dependence edition

Have you signed the pledge yet? Car-Free Day is Monday, September 22. Take the car-free challenge and head over to DC’s celebration between 11 and 3 at 7th and F for “live music, yoga classes, free t-shirts and giveaways, Segway demonstrations”, valet bike parking, free bike tune-ups, and test rides on SmartBikes. If not for me or for the environment, do it for Tommy.

Next stop, Westpark? BeyondDC follows my analysis of the Tysons plan with some of his own. Among the good ideas: better names for the stations than “Tysons Central 7” that create real community identity.

MoCoPlaBo protecting our parks from bicycles: WashCycle runs through the sordid saga of the ICC trail. The Montgomery County Planning Board’s next meeting on the topic, with no public comment, is tomorrow; the staff report recommends moving forward with the trail rerouted on a lengthy and dangerous surface street route because, after blasting a ten-lane highway through a park, a little trail is just too much of a burden on our fragile ecosystem.

Metro should move on Farragut transfer now: Steve Offutt’s been hammering away at his “invisible tunnel” idea for an out-of-system free transfer between Farraguts North and West. WMATA is upgrading software, but they should be lining up the rest of their ducks now, like regulatory approval and analysis of the financial impact. (CommuterPageBlog)

Infill here: Imagine, DC compiled a top ten list of potential infill sites for new, transit-oriented mixed-use development in DC, from the Benning Road power plant to Lamond-Riggs and Fort Totten.