Photo by kimberlyfaye on Flickr.

Please do sully her legacy, Mr. Graham: Carol Schwartz is hurt that Jim Graham would propose ending the free Saturday parking she implemented years ago. “Graham says he had no intention of sullying Schwartz’s legacy with his revenue-positive moves,” writes Loose Lips. Graham’s plan is a good idea, and the faster we abandon Schwartz’s knee-jerk, cars-first legacy, the better. Unfortunately, the meter hike is off the table, at least for now.

Graham will hold a hearing on Monday, December 8th, 10 am in the Wilson Building (1350 Pennsylvania Ave) Room 500.

What is “affiliated”? Everyone reported the DC Republican Party’s lawsuit yesterday, which claims that Michael A. Brown is ineligible to serve on the Council since is is “affiliated” with the Democratic Party. He changed his registration to independent, but remained pretty obviously a Democrat, including calling himself an “Independent Democrat”, campaigning for Obama, being an ultimate party insider, and more. I’m with Marc Fisher that we should junk this ridiculous minority-party rule, though I’d not complain if Mara replaced Brown on the Council.

Even Takoma Park can be purple: The Takoma Park City Council endorsed the Purple Line, though only if it doesn’t hurt pedestrians or take away Takoma Parkers’ inalienable right to park.

Think different, Detroit: A looming automaker bailout plus dropping gas prices has thoughtful commentators proposing alternatives, like raising the gas tax, a gas price floor, or expanding to build transit vehicles.

There’s a heliport 0.5mi from my house! Last week, DC’s very cutting-edge Office of the Chief Technology Officer (with the geeky acronym OCTO) announced the winners of their Apps for Democracy mashup contest. Top honors went to, which combines WalkScore-like local listings with interesting pie-charted census data. Personal faves also include DC Historic Tours, which Google maps self-guided walking tours of historic areas, and Stumble Safely, helping you find the best and safest late-night route home from a bar.