16th Street bus lane by Joe Flood licensed under Creative Commons.

Enjoy these images from the Greater and Lesser Washington Flickr pool, and Instagram hashtag #ggwash. This week’s focus: Buses, bus lanes, and other bus stuff!

Alexandria articulated bus by MW Transit Photos used with permission.

Pentagon City Transitway groundbreaking by BeyondDC licensed under Creative Commons.

Silver Spring bus & bike lanes by betterDCregion used with permission.

Greyhound Union Station by CTB in DC used with permission.

Submit photos! Be featured!

For a chance to see your photos show up in these posts, add them to the Greater and Lesser Washington Flickr pool, or add hashtag #ggwash on Instagram. Photos should show subjects related to urbanism in some way.

See you again next week! Share those photos!

Dan Malouff is a transportation planner for Arlington and an adjunct professor at George Washington University. He uses this byline for Photo Friday posts, but you can find his other writing under the byline Dan Malouff, and his photography as BeyondDC on Flickr and Instagram.