Bike to Work Day 2015 by Erica F licensed under Creative Commons.

This year’s Bike to Work Day is coming up on Friday, May 20, 2022. There’s no better time to get outside and experience the joys of active transportation!

Join a free bike convoy, find a ride buddy, or ride solo this Bike to Work Day, and you’ll have the opportunity to change up your commute, save some money, and do your part to improve regional air quality and reduce traffic congestion. Make sure to stop by one of the 96 pit stops for free giveaways, food, and beverages, plus a chance to win raffle prizes.

For free registration and event updates, please click here. Follow Commuter Connections on Twitter at @BikeToWorkDay and use #BTWD2022 or #BTWD.

Thursday, May 5

Governance reform to meet our transportation climate goals: Cutting greenhouse gas emissions from transportation, which account for 29% of total emissions in the United States, is going to take a multifaceted approach. Leveraging transportation solutions is an important part of that strategy, but complicated governance often prevents the implementation of solutions aimed to fight congestion, improve the environment, and target social equity. Cities own the streets that transit agencies need for their bus lanes. Regions often lack a coordinated entity to oversee the implementation of road pricing. Freight rolling off a regional port hub is not always synced with the state and local roadways that connect it.

Several regions around the world have reformed regional governance to consolidate decision-making and ensure the right voices are at the table. Join the Eno Center for Transportation on Thursday, May 5 from 2-3 pm to learn how governance in cities can help or hinder them from enacting smart transportation policies. Visit the event page to learn more.

Thursday, May 12

Miss the GGWash Gala? You can still party with regional urbanists! The Coalition for Smarter Growth is celebrating its 25th anniversary on Thursday, May 12 from 6-8 pm. Tickets start at $125, but there are free tickets available upon request. You can learn more and register on their event page.

Saturday, May 21

Designing Pennsylvania Avenue for people: Join the National Capital Planning Commission at 10:00 am on Saturday, May 21 for the second public meeting reimagining the design of Pennsylvania Avenue.

The proposed Pennsylvania Avenue Vision aims to transform the Avenue between the White House and the US Capitol into a venue that celebrates its civic role and spirit of democracy, creates an inspiring public realm, and modernizes infrastructure to make the Avenue a great street and an iconic destination. Three concepts explore different approaches on how to achieve this vision, with an emphasis on multimodal access and placemaking. They also provide a comparative and inspirational overview of potential options that can be mixed and matched. RSVP for the May 210\ meeting here or visit the NCPC’s project Vision Page to learn more.

Tagged: events

Kate Jentoft-Herr is GGWash's Engagement Manager. Previously the Development Manager at the Coalition for Smarter Growth, Kate is interested in exploring the relationships between land-use, racism, and the Climate Crisis and in making discussion of urban issues accessible to folks from all backgrounds. She loves DC and being able to walk to work.