I spent my long weekend reading through responses to our 2019 reader survey to learn more about why our readers value GGWash, and their words speak for themselves. Here’s what one of our readers said when asked how GGWash influenced them to get involved in their community,

“Through GGWash, I got into DC urbanist Twitter. From there, I started following Will Handsfield, who I later emailed to request a bike rack installation. In this way, the cascade effect of my GGWash involvement was to get a new bike rack installed by DDOT - a pretty good tangible outcome if you ask me.”

This week marks the third week of our 2020 Neighborhood Drive and we are still looking to find 180 new Neighbors who are committed to supporting community-driven journalism and hyper-local coverage of regional issues relating to land-use, transportation, and public policy.

Will you be our Neighbor?

By joining the Neighborhood, you are making an investment in so much more than just our news coverage. You are investing in:

  • Journalism that encourages civic engagement.

“By making me more informed, I feel better equipped to weigh in personally on selected public policy issues, be it in the form of communications to local elected officials or attending meetings where my views can be heard.”

“It may be small, but I don’t think I would have participated in transit surveys before reading GGWash. I’ve gotten a few over the years from my school and local transit authorities, ranging in difficulty to fill out from answering a few questions to logging my travels in a given time. Seeing how important these kinds of things are from GGWash’s coverage made me make them a priority.”

“God help me, I now regularly attend my ANC meetings”

“GGWash is such an incredible civic asset for the region. It has helped me become educated on local issues and government and to be more involved in my community. Thank you to everyone involved.”

Support our work!

  • Dedicated coverage of local elections and endorsements in local races that play a key role in helping residents determine who to vote for.

“I pretty much vote for GGWash endorsed candidates. Considering how little local elections get covered, it’s a great resource. I trust that GGWash endorsed candidates share my values.”

“I have written to my Council-member on transportation safety issues I’ve read about on GGW. Reading GGW has informed my voting decisions in local elections.”

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  • Journalism that inspires concerned residents to run for office.

“A few years ago, I started going to DDOT meetings to weigh in on plans to make them safer and better for street life. Now I’m president of a civic association. I wouldn’t have done either without getting hooked on GGW several years ago.”

“[reading GGWash encouraged me to] apply for Pedestrian Advisory Council position (did not get it, but engaged more with my council member about transportation issues as a result)”

“I’m now VP of my local citizens association and advocating for the kinds of policies that GGWash supports.”

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  • Coverage of local issues that is changing the way people see the world.

“It’s awakened me to a lot of issues. Without GGW, as a non-cyclist myself, I probably wouldn’t realize how many pedestrian issues overlap with those of cyclists or be as interested in Baltimore bike lane developments. It’s spurred my interest in TOD, influenced how I look at local candidates, and inspired me to get involved in participating in public feedback on the transit plans now finally starting to be developed in my area.”

“I learned about zoning changes in P.G. County from GGWash! Once I started to understand that this kind of change is slow, but necessary for my county to move in the right direction (i.e., upzoning, dense urban centers), I told (and still continue to tell) everyone that I knew.”

“I’ve been reading GGW ever since I stumbled on the fantasy metro maps in high school. Now I’m working in state government and consider myself a dedicated urbanist! Very much due to the influence of reading this blog for much of my adult life. It’s a great site.”

Support our work!

Everyday, here at GGWash we publish articles written by paid writers and volunteers educating residents about land-use and transportation issues, public policy, and local political structures across the Washington region. As a publication, our primary goal is education, but knowledge is power, and we think one of the best things about GGWash is the way our readers use what they learn at ggwash.org to push for real change in their communities.

For as little as $10 a month, your support helps to fund our ability to provide high-caliber edits to articles written by volunteer contributors, hyper-local coverage of regional elections, and host community events. When you join the GGWash Neighborhood, you are not only supporting our publication, but enhancing the power of our movement for equitable and sustainable cities.

I want to donate...

GGWash only happens with you!

We need to raise $21,000 and add 200 new members to start the year off strong. If you find Greater Greater Washington a valuable resource and/or enjoy the community we have created here, please contribute whatever you can afford or think is a fair value for what GGWash means to you. Any donation made before March 12th includes a ticket to our 12th birthday celebration.

Kate Jentoft-Herr is GGWash's Engagement Manager. Previously the Development Manager at the Coalition for Smarter Growth, Kate is interested in exploring the relationships between land-use, racism, and the Climate Crisis and in making discussion of urban issues accessible to folks from all backgrounds. She loves DC and being able to walk to work.