Celebrate GGWash’s 12th Birthday with a donation!

Only $1,953 left to go! Image by Nick Fabiani.

Since 2008, Greater Greater Washington has been educating and engaging Washington-area residents about the geographic, economic, political, and social forces affecting the built environment. If you find Greater Greater Washington a valuable resource and/or enjoy the community we have created here, we hope you’ll show your support by making a contribution in honor of our 12th birthday.

A donation of any amount will go a long way in supporting our agenda to build an equitable and sustainable Washington, DC region and and you’ll get a ticket to our 12th birthday party, which we will be rescheduling.

I want to donate...

How will my donation help GGWash?

Reader donations, especially monthly recurring gifts, are a critical source of funding for our online publication. In 2019, only 83% of our site’s operating expenses were covered through our current funding sources. In 2020 we need to get that to 100%. By donating to GGWash you can help us maintain our thorough, insightful coverage of the issues that matter the most to residents of the Washington, DC region.

In particular, this year we are hoping to

  • Provide dedicated coverage of the discussions happening around school boundary changes - our school systems continue to perpetuate residential racial segregation and we’d love to be able to unpack the wider implications that has on our region and built enviornment.
  • Expand our coverage of stories in Montgomery County and Prince George’s County, where a lot of exciting design decisions are being made.
  • Write more about housing, beyond just the DC Comp Plan, in DC, MD, and VA
  • Follow up with the newly elected boards of supervisors in Fairfax, Loudon, and Prince William who have talked a big game about walkability and transit — will they follow through?
  • Grow our capacity to support offline community engagement.
  • And much, much more

Why can’t I make a tax-deductible donation?

The only nonprofits that can accept tax-deductible donations are those certified by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) with a charitable, religious, educational, or other eligible purpose. We are a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, which is different from a 501(c)(3), and contributions to a 501(c)(4) are not tax-deductible.

Greater Greater Washington sometimes makes endorsements, as media organizations traditionally do, but 501(c)(3) tax-deductible nonprofits absolutely cannot do this while 501(c)(4) nonprofits can. There are also strict limits for 501(c)(3)s on saying other things besides endorsements which might praise or criticize one specific candidate close to an election. When the editors have spoken with readers and contributors, many of you said you value our political coverage and don’t want to sacrifice it.

I don’t want to donate online. How else can I give you money?

If you would prefer to pay by check, you can mail checks to:

Greater Greater Washington
1440 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005

Please also write your email address on the check if you’re willing to have us send you an email thank you note (it saves time and money!)

If you would like to contribute another way, please contact us at info@ggwash.org.

You didn’t answer my question!

If you have a question that isn’t addressed here, contact us at info@ggwash.org and we’ll do our best to get back to you quickly!

GGWash is supported by our recurring donors, corporate supporters, and foundations.

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