People carrying speech bubbles stock photo from

It’s a rule of the comment policy not to complain about the comment policy, but in this post you’re welcome to do just that. (Or even better, offer constructive feedback!)

Recently we made a small change to the rules: we’re going to let you use swear words, sparingly. We want to avoid being overly puritanical about language that’s common today, and it honestly looks kind of silly to **** out a word. Of course, slurs and other attacks on fellow commenters are not ok, and we reserve the right to delete any threatening or otherwise inappropriate comment.

Our filter will still flag many comments with swear words in them, so if you want your comment to go through quickly, it’s still best to avoid them. And we hope you don’t just use this as a chance to lace everything with profanity; not only will that lead to your comment being held, but if it’s getting excessive, we may delete it, add more comment filter rules, and even maybe reinstate the prohibition. So let the occasional (non-obscene) expletive in, but please keep it minimal.

This blog wouldn’t be here without you, and we want to make sure it’s serving you well. Edit board and staff will discuss any feedback you have and consider integrating it into our official policy.

While we’re at it, do you have other thoughts about the comment policy? Is there anything else we can do to create a welcoming environment? What about our moderation? Consider this an open opportunity to discuss the comment policy, and thanks for commenting!

Julie Strupp was Greater Greater Washington's Managing Editor from 2017 to 2019. Previously, she had written for DCist, Washingtonian, the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism, and others. You can usually find her sparring with her judo club, pedaling around the city, or hanging out on her Columbia Heights stoop.