The new contraflow bike lane on T Street NW. Image by airbus777 licensed under Creative Commons.

6th and T streets NW in DC's LeDroit Park recently got “contraflow” bike lanes, which let people ride in the opposite direction from the one-way traffic. I live in the area, and saw how people often rode the wrong way to get to and across Florida Avenue. These new bike lanes gave them a safe and legal way to get out of the neighborhood.

Now some neighbors are trying to get rid of the bike lanes:

I have lived in LeDroit Park for eight years and use those bike lanes daily. In fact, I was one of several people who suggested to DDOT that they install contraflow lanes on these two blocks, the 500 block of T Street and the 1900 block of 6th Street.

Darren Buck, bike program specialist from DDOT, presented at the civic association twice on this issue and in September the association voted unanimously in support. ANC 1B also voted to support the lanes in their October meeting.

Blue arrows show the bike lanes on 6th and T Streets in LeDroit Park. Google Maps image modified by the author.

Both blocks of the streets in question were converted from two-way to one-way streets decades ago and because of this, they are very wide for one-way streets. This left enough space to add the lanes without taking away driving lanes or parking.

If you live, work, walk, bike, or drive in this area, please thank DDOT for adding these bike lanes and ask them not to consider removing them.

Sign the petition!