Image by BeyondDC licensed under Creative Commons.

There are a lot of street signs around the region that essentially substitute for safe street design. It's as if decision makers sometimes think “We could design this street to be low-speed and safe for pedestrians, but nah we'll just put up a sign instead and not really fix the problem.” Here are some examples we found:

This sign really means the street is designed for driving faster than safety legitimately allows.

3rd and E Streets, SW. Image by Matt Johnson used with permission.

This sign really means a lot of pedestrians want to make an obvious connection, but it might inconvenience cars so we're not going to let them.

Clarendon Boulevard. Image by the author.

This sign really means we know we should put in bike lanes, but nah.

Georgia Avenue in Aspen Hill Image by Dan Reed used with permission.

This sign really means we're happy to throw a guilt trip at outsiders, but not happy to give our children a sidewalk.

Image by Magnolia677 on Wikipedia licensed under Creative Commons.

And the pièce de résistance, this sign, which really means we don't have any intention of even pretending to design a safe street.

Image by Bryan Barnett-Woods used with permission.

Have you come across any signs like this? Please share in the comments!

Dan Malouff is a transportation planner for Arlington and an adjunct professor at George Washington University. He has a degree in urban planning from the University of Colorado and lives in Trinidad, DC. He runs BeyondDC and contributes to the Washington Post. Dan blogs to express personal views, and does not take part in GGWash's political endorsement decisions.