Here are our favorite new images from the Greater and Lesser Washington Flickr pool, showcasing the best and worst of the Washington region.

We love seeing DC streets become friendlier to all forms of transportation.

Photo by M.V. Jantzen.

The new Capital Bikeshare is coming on Sept. 20 — only 2 days before Car-Free Day. How convenient! This is the Capital Station at 14th & U St. Photo by bryandc2.

If you haven’t checked out the Drum Circle at Meridian Hill Park on Sunday afternoons, you definitely should. This kind of vibrancy is what makes neighborhoods great.

Photo by lehnermd.

A wonderful capture of the vibrant colors of the night in Dupont Circle. Photo by ianseanlivingston.

This landmark stands out against a backdrop of verdant green and deep blue. We’re glad for spaces like this and beautiful days with which to enjoy them. Photo by JosephLeonardo.

Got a picture that depicts the best or worst of Washington? Make sure to join our Flickr pool and submit your own photos!

Tagged: photography

Matt Johnson has lived in the Washington area since 2007. He has a Master’s in Planning from the University of Maryland and a BS in Public Policy from Georgia Tech. He lives in Dupont Circle. He’s a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners, and is an employee of the Montgomery County Department of Transportation. His views are his own and do not represent those of his employer.

Laura DeSantis is the Online Advocacy and Outreach Specialist for the Coalition for Smarter Growth. Prior to joining CSG, Laura worked at Fleishman-Hillard Communications, where she worked on digital and social media strategy for clients. Laura is a 2009 graduate of Penn State University and holds bachelor’s degrees in Public Relations and History.