The parking lot that would become townhouses, and a project opponent.

Yesterday, I wrote about the Takoma development proposal, and criticized the characterization of it as replacing “green space.” Commenter DC_Chica pointed out that some of the space is in fact green; from the satellite view, it looks like it’s about half. But much of that will remain green, and become a more usable green space.

The other half of the site is a WMATA parking lot. At the WalkingTown DC tour I attended in Takoma, the guide stood at the edge of the parking lot with a picture of the lively commercial district that used to be there, and argued against turning the parking lot into townhouses.

Plus, there’s good news on the two-car garages: according to Cheryl Cort of the Coalition for Smarter Growth, EYA will give townhouse buyers in the proposed Takoma Metro development the option of having extra livable space and only one parking space instead of two parking spaces. I suspect many or most will still pick the parking spaces, but at least there’s an option, and people can make a real choice between more space and more parking.