Road without a sidewalk. Photo by Transportation for America.

This morning, the entire DC Council will consider the Sidewalk Assurance Act, to ensure that political considerations don’t stop sidewalks from going in when DDOT is already reconstructing streets.

Councilmembers Phil Mendelson (at-large) and Muriel Bowser (ward 4) are expected to introduce amendments (large PDF, pages 3 and 44) modifying the bil, the Current reported.

The bill’s author, Mary Cheh, and supporters including Public Works and Transportation Chair Jim Graham have been negotiating on these amendments, reaching an agreement on some but possibly not on others.

Please take a moment to email or call your Councilmember to ask them to keep pedestrian safety paramount when they decide on these amendments. Neighborhood participation and debate over the sidewalk placement and design is appropriate and should be part of the process, but property owners should not get a veto over having a sidewalk on their street.

Sidewalks affect everyone who passes through an area, including nearby residents and visitors, and almost all streets not only serve those who live on that block but others who might be traveling to a park, school, bus stop, or neighbor’s house. That’s why we call the space on and adjacent to the roadway “public space,” not private property.

The Council will consider the bill at 11:00 this morning, so send a quick email now.