Notyetworth or Lawn and Order? City Paper has a feature on DC’s neighborhoods, with cutesy names like “Sacramento” for CUA/Brookland or “Banana Republic Republic” for Georgetown. The accompanying essays for each neighborhood are much less superficial than I expected. The one for Subarubia (Tenleytown/AU Heights) gives a lot of ink to the smart growth debate on Wisconsin Avenue and to Ward 3 Vision.

Missing the forest: Some environmental groups are new to the idea that relatively dense, walkable and transit-oriented development is an important way to save the planet, by reducing development pressure on the countryside and reducing driving. Others are still a little unclear on the concept, like those planning to sue to block development at Poplar Point (which will still contain a large park). And Now, Anacostia defends the development on behalf of the neighbors, and Ryan Avent on behalf of smart policy.