We have a knowledgable base of contributors to thank for the content that goes up here every day. But what our writers have to say isn’t limited to our site. They’re part of a non-stop conversation about the forces that shape our region, much of which unfolds on Twitter. We put together a list so you can follow it easily.

Twitter image from Shutterstock.

A lot of the people who write for us are experts in their fields. Others are simply passionate about their communities. Either way, they frequently tweet about urbanism, housing, community building, transit, biking, walking, education, and more.

If you want to get in on the action, subscribe to the a list we made that includes all of them.

Also, if you’re not already, be sure to follow us!

Matt Friedman works in communications focused on transit in the region. He's a GW and AU grad and feels passionate about making the Washington area a great place to live. You’ll often find him riding his bike around DC, at a Nats game, enjoying the ever-growing restaurant scene or taking in a live concert.