The self-interested minority at the Washington Post editorial page is urging the Council to build Klingle Road. Their arguments avoid almost any discussion of the merits of the issue. Like most of the opponents at the hearing, their main argument is: the Council voted before to rebuild the road, and so we should push on against all objections—and anyone raising those objections must be a “self-interested minority.”

Never mind that a majority of Council members, a majority of attendees at a hearing, and most of the emails I’ve seen on neighborhood email lists advocate for a park over an unneeded road. Anyone advocating for the environment must be “few but powerful”. Few but powerful may better describe the Post editorial page; few, certainly, but hopefully not too powerful.

David Alpert created Greater Greater Washington in 2008 and was its executive director until 2020. He formerly worked in tech and has lived in the Boston, San Francisco Bay, and New York metro areas in addition to Washington, DC. He lives with his wife and two children in Dupont Circle.