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Test scoring method creates controversy: The Post revealed that DC’s Office of the State Superintendent of Education quietly chose a scoring method for last year’s standardized tests that resulted in a higher overall proficiency rate. Councilmember David Catania claims OSSE’s decision amounts to “cheating.” But OSSE defends its scoring choice as the best way to compare student progress to prior years.

Some local SAT scores rise: While scores remained stagnant nationwide, Virginia students scored 11 points higher on the SAT than last year. Scores in DC also went up, by 18 points, but scores for DCPS students remain well below the national average. Maryland scores decreased for the third year in a row. (Post)

Group analyzes Catania’s ed bills: An advocacy group led by attorney Matthew Frumin has released an analysis of Councilmember Catania’s seven school reform bills. (Washington Informer)

District is unique in offering near-universal preschool: One DC mom says that while there may not be a DCPS spot for every 3-year-old, parents can almost always find a place in one of the 65 charters that offer preschool. Instead of complaining about waitlists, she says parents here should recognize how lucky they are to have high-quality public early childhood education. (NYT)

DC isn’t the only place planning a common enrollment system: DC is among a handful of school districts across the country that will implement a common application process for public and charter schools. In DC, 85 charters have signed on to a common timeline, the first step in what officials hope will be a universal enrollment system beginning in time for the 2014-15 school year. (Ed Week)

Report illuminates school funding: A report by the DC Fiscal Policy Institute explores DC school finance, including topics like how budgets are set for DCPS and charter schools, how schools make spending decisions, and how school facilities are funded.

DCPL skates through banned book week: To celebrate banned books week, DC public libraries teamed up with DC Rollergirls to pass out cards featuring a Rollergirl and her favorite banned book. (DCist)

DC-area schools win blue ribbons: DC Prep’s Edgewood campus was one of seven local schools honored for performance or improvement by the US Department of Education. DC Prep’s third graders achieved more than 70% proficiency in reading and math. (Post)

Little-known college prep program is a big success: Over 90% of students who complete the AVID program attend college. In the District, only three DCPS schools and two charters offer the program, which uses tutors to develop students’ problem-solving skills. But AVID is growing rapidly in the DC suburbs.(Post)

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