Alley street art

Trompe-l’œil (French for “trick the eye”) is two-dimensional art that looks like it’s three-dimensional. This well-executed example appears in the alley behind Logan Hardware. Its huge. I took this photo a few weeks back; hopefully its still there. That alley changes a lot. More images below.

Alley street art
Alley street art
Tagged: arts, dc, logan circle

Kent Boese posts items of historic interest, primarily within the District. He’s worked in libraries since 1994, both federal and law, and currently works on K Street. He’s been an Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner serving the northern Columbia Heights and Park View neighborhoods since 2011 (ANC 1A), and served as the Commission’s Chair since 2013. He has a MS in Design from Arizona State University with strong interests in preservation, planning, and zoning. Kent is also the force behind the blog Park View, DC.