Then (left): The residence at 1500 New Hampshire Ave. was built in 1891 for Levi P. Leiter, a Chicago real estate and department store millionaire. The Leiter house was a white brick, classically inspired mansion with a red tile roof located at the intersection of Dupont Circle, New Hampshire Avenue, and 19th Street. During World War II it was leased for U. S. Government offices, and in 1947 sold and demolished. Photo from the Library of Congress Harris & Ewing Collection.

Now (right): The Dupont Hotel, formerly the Jurys Washington Hotel, is the structure that replaced the mansion.

Above: The inside of the Leiter House. Considered the finest private residence in Washington at the time it was built, the mansion was three stories with fifty-five rooms. After Leither’s death in 1904, his wife became a leading Washington hostess with elaborate parties held in the house until World War II. More information and photos of the house are here.

Kent Boese posts items of historic interest, primarily within the District. He’s worked in libraries since 1994, both federal and law, and currently works on K Street. He’s been an Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner serving the northern Columbia Heights and Park View neighborhoods since 2011 (ANC 1A), and served as the Commission’s Chair since 2013. He has a MS in Design from Arizona State University with strong interests in preservation, planning, and zoning. Kent is also the force behind the blog Park View, DC.