Councilmember Tommy Wells (Ward 6, which includes Capitol Hill, Penn Quarter, and Southwest Waterfront) has not only been reading his Donald Shoup but his Streetsblog as well. His Web site bears the slogan, “for a livable and walkable community.” And he’s been pushing policies that indeed enhance livable communities.

I wrote earlier about Wells’ parking management plan for the ballpark area, which he introduced on Tuesday (PDF). Here’s a good article in the HillRag about it. (Neha Bhatt on Wells’s staff even uses Shoupian language, like “We don’t want to increase supply. [Therefore,] we must manage demand.” TheWashCycle linked today to a September article on Wells’ site about creating more physically separated bike lanes.

To round out the Wells lovefest, I found this interview from 2006 when he was running for Council. Some of the choice transportation-related quotes:

I believe that commuters should be on public and mass transportation. … What we have to do is figure out transportation options for them like they have in London and elsewhere. We cannot be governed by the needs of our commuters.

17th St SE [a high traffic road] is a dividing line for that community. We should not have dividing lines based on the movement of cars from other states.

The most important person to me regarding traffic is the pedestrian.

Many people are surprised when I say that while DC has certain problems that are worse than New York’s (such as crime) it also is ahead of NYC in many ways. This is one.