Learn about the Wisconsin Giant: Development projects in Ward 3 historically draw the strongest opposition from well-organized groups of residents. For the proposed Wisconsin Avenue Giant, however, the dynamic is reversing, as many residents eager for a new, mixed-use, walkable, modern Giant and retail at the corner of Wisconsin, Newark, and Idaho are rallying to support the project. They’re calling themselves AWARE (Advocates of Wisconsin Avenue REnewal), and they’re holding a holiday party and open house Saturday from 10 am to 3 pm.

Enjoy hot cider and baked goods, meet with neighbors, and learn more about the proposed supermarket, residences, and neighborhood retail and amenities. See renderings of the proposed project. Find out how to express your views and let your voice be heard in the approval process. GC Murphy’s, on Wisconsin Avenue between Macomb and Newark Streets, on the site of the proposed Giant development.

The X3, 96, and 30s buses all run right by the Giant, so it’s easy to get to the holiday party without driving. (The great bus service to this corner is also big reason why walkable development is the right choice at this spot.)

Weigh in on priorities for Hine Junior High: At the last community meeting to discuss the future of Hine Junior High on Capitol Hill, residents disagreed about whether the new use should accommodate youth, how much parking the site needs, and more. Help to continue to refine the vision, hopefully in a livable, walkable direction, at the third community meeting Saturday, 10-11:30 am at Tyler Elementary, 1001 G St, SE (just a few blocks from Eastern Market).

See plans for the McMillan Sand Filtration Site: This large parcel at Michigan and North Capitol is slated to become a brand-new neighborhood. See the plans and give feedback Saturday, 10 am-noon at Trinity University’s Social Hall, 125 Michigan Ave. NE. Or just see the proposal online at Bloomingdale (For Now).

Next week: Monday night, the Sustainability area of the DC Zoning Update will discuss how our zoning can address water conservation and protection. 6:30-8:30 pm at 441 4th St NW, 11th Floor, Room 1107.

Wednesday evening is the public meeting on bus stop standards, 5-7:30 pm at WMATA headquarters, 600 5th Street, NW.

I’m also interested in hearing what people have to say at the ANC 4B meeting on Georgia Avenue development, including the proposed Sheridan Theatre landmarking and proposals for the Curtis Chevrolet (Georgia and Missouri) and Sabor Restaurant (Georgia and Sheridan) sites. 7 pm, Takoma Rec Center, 300 Van Buren Street, NW.

Update: I knew I was forgetting something this weekend. I’ve added the McMillan Sand Filtration Site community meeting, also Saturday.