Posts tagged Education

  • DC allows community uses, keeps parking minimums for closed schools

    After I found about about DDOT’s emergency rules on bus loading, I started monitoring the DC Register. This week’s includes emergency zoning rules on what uses are allowed in the buildings that contained the recently-closed schools:  Keep reading…

  • Parking review part 3: Forces against fixing parking

    Previously in parking-land, I summarized last week’s parking zoning review meeting wherein the group reached a surprising (to me) level of consensus on when to remove minimums and institute maximums in the parking zoning code. Other than residents who don’t believe we can effectively manage spillover parking, what obstacles remain to a better approach to parking?  Keep reading…

  • UFT still narrow-minded on parking

    Sam Schwartz, former NYC Traffic Commissioner who reduced placard parking in the 1980s, released his ten-part recommendation for reducing placard abuse. But the UFT has other ideas, passing a resolution asking for expanded rights to park on their schools’ scarce property.   Keep reading…

  • UFT disappoints on parking

    Randi Weingarten, president of NYC’s United Federation of Teachers, acted against the public interest by defending parking placards for teachers, as just another type of benefit and digging in her heels to protect the status quo. Unions are a controversial part of our society and economy. Years of conservative framing have made many citizens deeply suspicious of unions,…  Keep reading…

  • Cities are more than just poverty

    John Edwards has a plan to “revitalize urban America.” It encompasses many important goals, like creating affordable housing, ending poverty, and reducing crime. But this agenda also belies a common conception, especially among liberals, that equates cities with poor minority people, that helping cities means helping the poor, and uses the language of charity…  Keep reading…

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