Posts tagged Amtrak

  • Obama-Biden: the train ticket?

    The completely ridiculous VP press buzz has flitted away from Indiana Senator Evan Bayh and alighted on Delaware Senator Joe Biden. Matt Yglesias has the same reaction I did: whatever you think Biden would help or hurt the ticket on foreign policy, based on his longtime advocacy for Amtrak, Vice President Biden would be great for passenger rail policy.  Keep reading…

  • Roll call vote on Amtrak

    Here’s the roll call vote on the Amtrak bill. All House Democrats voted for it (except ten not present), as did 87 Republicans. From Virginia, the Democrats (Moran, Boucher, and Scott) were joined by NoVA Republicans Tom Davis and Frank Wolf, as well as Cantor, Drake, Goode, and Goodlatte, while Forbes and Wittman voted no. Maryland’s Democrats (Ruppersberger, Sarbanes,…  Keep reading…

  • House passes Amtrak pre-bill rule

    The House passed the Amtrak funding bill rule to bring the Amtrak funding bill to the floor, 227-187. That’s not enough to override a Bush veto, if the votes stay as they are.  Keep reading…

  • Bush threatening veto of Amtrak funding

    President Bush is threatening to veto an Amtrak funding bill because it doesn’t provide accountability. That’s a little ironic, coming from him, but we already know Bush is completely and unalterably opposed to rail transit as a viable mode of travel in the United States. Sadly, so is John McCain.  Keep reading…

  • Union Station Intermodal Transportation Center meeting tonight

    DDOT is conducting a study “analyze the feasibility and impact of creating enhanced access to multiple modes of transportation at Burnham Place, Union Station and the surrounding transportation network.” There’s a public meeting tonight from 6-8 pm at the Columbus Club at Union Station, 50 Massachusetts Ave NE.  Keep reading…

  • Who are “seniors”?

    Boarding the train at Union Station, the Amtrak gatekeeper called for seniors to pre-board as is their usual policy. Approximately half the waiting crowd got on, mostly very able-bodied far-from-elderly people who looked to be in their mid-50s and early 60s. One very non-old woman even said to her companion, “I love being a senior!”…  Keep reading…

  • Gas prices: Obama still gets it; Friedman slams Clinton

    Barack Obama reiterated his belief that the solution to high gas prices is more rail transit. At a lunch with a Beech Grove, Indiana couple (one of whom works for Amtrak, the other in a local hospital), the candidate had this to say:  Keep reading…

  • The Triboro RX

    In the heyday of the railroads, rail lines crisscrossed the country and ran right through major cities. Some lines are commuter railroads today, others were turned into transit lines or highways, but many were abandoned. A few still exist, relatively unknown to most people, because they were either abandoned but never completely turned over to other uses, or because they carry some…  Keep reading…

  • Westwood Station

    In Westwood, MA is the Route 128 rail station, a stop on Amtrak’s Acela and Regional trains between Boston and the rest of the Northeast Corridor cities to the south.  It is also a stop on the MBTA’s commuter rail, and immediately off Massachusetts’ Route 128, (in that area at least) better know to the rest of the country as I-95.  Keep reading…

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