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  • Metro security on the radio

    The Center for Public Integrity’s John Solomon and I discussed Metro security on the Kojo Nnamdi show today. We didn’t quite get time to get into the photography angle, but both agreed that resources are best spent on police officers and investigators to catch potential terrorists, not on “security theater” (or as John called it, “sugar pills”)…  Keep reading…

  • Should DC take over local bus routes?

    Except for five Circulator routes, all local buses in DC are run by Metro. What if DC took them over and ran its own, citywide bus system for the routes that don’t cross into Maryland and Virginia? At a recent meeting of the TPB Technical Committee, DDOT Associate Director Scott Kubly said DDOT is working on three ways to reduce the constant growth in Metro operating costs,…  Keep reading…

  • East Falls Church needs more bike racks

    The East Falls Church Metro station is popular among bicyclists. Next to the W&OD trail as well as a network of on-street bike routes and bike lanes, its 126 bicycle racks (PDF) fill quickly in the morning, and the station’s bicycle lockers are among the busiest among any Metro station. According to the bicycle and pedestrian improvement study materials produced by…  Keep reading…

  • For ANC in Ward 8

    Ward 8, the poorest ward in DC and often the most misunderstood or overlooked, needs a voice. It needs strong community leaders who want to devote their energy to improving the ward’s neighborhoods and building consensus among residents.   Keep reading…

  • Breakfast links: Governors versus transit

    Purple Line money’s there, just not there; Christie cancels ARC, again; Another near miss on Metro uncovered; Where will Ward 8 go?; What to do with Bruce Monroe?; How to make ANCs lean less anti; Old Town Alexandria meters get cheaper; Use a car tire to inflate a bike tire; And….  Keep reading…

  • Suspected terrorist no reason to fear photography

    Yesterday, the news broke that an Ashburn, Virginia man was allegedly planning to detonate explosives on the Metro. The alleged plotter, Farooque Ahmed, was arrested for providing material support to a terrorist organization. According to the FBI, the public was never in danger. Apparently, agents of the Bureau posed as members of al-Qaeda as a part of the investigation. The…  Keep reading…

  • Afternoon links: What Congress might do for you

    Transit will soon be second class again for feds; Puerto Rico on the Potomac; Nascent Metro bomb plot foiled; Fare hike probably affecting bus ridership; No minimum parking means affordable housing, open space; Early voting means less voting?; Montgomery’s eruvim; And….  Keep reading…

  • For ANC in Ward 5

    Some wards divide up their ANCs by neighborhood. Ward 5, already a geographically large ward, is carved into only three ANCs, each containing a whopping 12 single-member districts and even splitting Brookland up between ANCs.   Keep reading…

  • Historic losses: DC to Annapolis by rail

    Have you ever wondered why the H Street/Benning Road NE corridor is wider, flatter and straighter than most surrounding streets? The answer lies in a little-known chapter of mid-Atlantic railroad history that may also point a way towards a better transportation future for our region. The Washington, Baltimore and Annapolis Electric Railway (WB&A) provided passenger…  Keep reading…

  • For ANC in southern Ward 6

    Ward 6 has more contested ANC seats than in any other ward, and between streetcars on H Street NE, development around Union Station, bike lanes on M SE/SW, and bike sharing at Lincoln Park, there are plenty of transportation and development debates to go around as well as issues around retail, development and more. Starting in the south, we’re most excited about the candidacy…  Keep reading…

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