Posts by Ken Archer — Contributor

Ken Archer is CTO of a software firm in Tysons Corner. He commutes to Tysons by bus from his home in Georgetown, where he lives with his wife and son.  Ken completed a Masters degree in Philosophy from The Catholic University of America.

  • Privatize DC’s One-Stop Career Centers

    On Wednesday, residents testified before the DC Council about the performance of the Department of Employment Services. This is my testimony. I am an editor at Greater Greater Washington and resident of Georgetown with my wife and son.  I am a supporter, like all Greater Greater Washington contributors, of the tremendous investments being made in transit, parks and economic…  Keep reading…

  • Level the playing field for charters and neighborhood schools

    Charter schools and traditional schools should have to give the same preference in admissions to neighborhood children. This would level the playing field between the types of schools. At the same time, charters need better access to facilities, also to level the playing field. Charter schools don’t have to give priority to children who live nearby, while neighborhood…  Keep reading…

  • Gray deserves more credit for One City One Hire

    The rap on Vincent Gray as a mayor too distracted by scandal to accomplish much overlooks one major accomplishment.  Gray has made more progress addressing chronic unemployment in his first year than have any of his predecessors in their entire terms. Mayor Gray’s One City One Hire campaign is directly responsible for the hiring of 1,400 previously jobless District…  Keep reading…

  • Workforce czar must bring accountability, not bureaucracy

    A newly created workforce czar in DC could bring measurable reductions in unemployment if the czar and supporting workforce development agencies are held accountable to specific goals.  Otherwise, the new position will become just another layer of bureaucracy, likely to be cut by a future mayor. While parts of DC suffer from crippling unemployment levels of over 20%,…  Keep reading…

  • Leadership needed to extend DC school day

    Extending the school day consistently improves student performance, as several DC charter schools have proven. Both the Washington Teachers’ Union and DC Council agree that DCPS should likewise increase teachers’ time on task, but no one is showing needed leadership to make it happen. DC has the most permissive charter school system in the country. A major purpose…  Keep reading…

  • DCPS cancels promised arts magnet middle school

    District parents are without clear plans for middle school expansions after DCPS officials canceled the planning process for a new arts magnet middle school. DCPS officials confirmed the suspension with Greater Greater Washington last week and said the need for a city-wide comprehensive middle school plan required “rethinking all our options.” DCPS officials…  Keep reading…

  • DC needs better data to fight unemployment

    Mayor Gray has made employment for DC residents a top priority. But without good data, policies are little more than a stab in the dark. It’s quite surprising how little data DC collects on unemployment. What obstacles do the unemployed face in getting jobs?  If the obstacle is a skills mismatch, are there training providers available that teach those skills? …  Keep reading…

  • Why good people like Fiona Greig don’t run for Council

    Ward 2 insurgent DC Council candidate Fiona Greig announced this morning that she’s dropping out of the race against 20-year incumbent Jack Evans. Greig did not withdraw due to lack of support, but because she didn’t want to expose her young family to the gutter politics and smear campaigns she encountered in her short time as a candidate.  I was chair of Greig’s…  Keep reading…

  • New Prague streetcars reverse noise pollution

    An overlooked benefit of streetcars is the reduction in noise pollution associated with bus and car traffic.  In fact, some pedestrians in Prague say the newest streetcars from Skoda are too quiet! An article from iDnes, a Czech news portal, describes the experiences of operators of the new 15T streetcars built by Skoda for the Czech capital’s tram system. …  Keep reading…

  • Streetcar to GU should top Mayor Gray’s jobs agenda

    Few initiatives would address DC unemployment more directly than to extend the H Street-Benning Road streetcar on dedicated lanes directly onto Georgetown University’s campus, while asking in return for GU to commit to build a satellite campus in Northeast DC.  The university, Georgetown businesses and residents, and city leaders should all fight for this initiative,…  Keep reading…

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