Breakfast links: Looking backward, moving forward

Photo by rcannon100 on Flickr.

Historic thumbs down to Chevy Chase: The Chevy Chase ANC sent a survey to homeowners living in the proposed historic district; 77% of respondents voted against designating Chevy Chase, reports Marc Fisher. Opponents worry about the increased approvals and bureaucracy from HPO/HPRB; proponents worry about teardowns and McMansions (Fisher, for his part, believes McMansion fears are overblown).

WMATA judgment a “specious distinction”: Speaking of Marc Fisher, he agrees that at least some blogs are news media, despite WMATA’s letter to Michael P.

Two-wheeled realtors: Traditionally, realtors drive their clients around to houses. But what about showing properties by bike? It’s not only eco-friendly, it helps clients see what it’d be like to bike to and from their potential future home. (WashCycle)

How about some tunnels, Baltimore? Advocates want to tunnel the proposed Baltimore Red Line under three key neighborhoods, because running on surface streets would “draw too much opposition”. It’ll also increase the cost, which has been a big conundrum for the Purple Line. Some neighborhoods want tunnels, while tunnels hurt the project in the FTA’s cost-effectiveness metric. Tip: Jeff Q.

Scenery: not just for roads: A VDOT employee nominated the W&OD Trail for the Scenic Virginia award, which usually honors scenic roads and roadside tourist attractions. But this year, they’ve given one of the awards to the trail. Tip: Ben T.