A Montgomery County Ride On bus by Aimee Custis Photography licensed under Creative Commons.

Transit access impacts economic outcomes: new data confirms what we’ve long understood. Debating transit priorities amid reduced ridership and funding. A whole lot of urban land is dedicated to car storage.

How buses alleviate unemployment and poverty: Clayton County, Georgia, terminated bus service between 2010 and 2015. This enabled researchers to measure economic outcomes related to the loss of service. They found a strong causal relationship between decreased bus transit access and increased unemployment and poverty. (Fei Li and Christopher Kajetan Wyczalkowski | Urban Studies Journal Abstract | Full Paper)

Fixing the woes of transit requires focus: The pandemic has reduced ridership and crippled transit funding mechanisms, creating a looming fiscal cliff for transit agencies. To save them, David Zipper argues that transit agencies need to have a singular focus on transit service that gets people riding again, ignoring other issues such as bus electrification, crime, and free fares that he says distracts from the main mission. (David Zipper | Vox)

Parking lots eat cities: On average, they eat up about one-fifth of all land in cities, taking up valuable space that could be used for productive buildings and creating hazards for pedestrians and cyclists. To illustrate how much space is taken up by autombile storage, the Parking Reform Network has mapped parking lots on aerial photos in 50 cities around the country. (Frank Jacobs | Big Think)

Buildings look boring because of stairs: A lot of architecture critics and general observers think that American multifamily buildings have boring designs. Michael Eliason believes it’s because of stair and corridor requirements for buildings above three stories that don’t exist anywhere else in the world. One solution is to allow what Eliason calls point access blocks or buildings with a single stair that have a greater ability to use space better. (Michael Eliason | The Architect’s Newspaper)

How citizens can control the budget: Cities around the world are trying a system of participatory budgeting that allow citizens to choose how their tax dollars should be spent. There’s hope that with this process, cities can improve public services and create more trust in government. In Cascais, Portugal, the system shows how the idea works on a larger scale with 15% of spending budgeted by a participatory process since 2011. (Nick Romeo | The New Yorker)

Quote of the Week

“I’m sorry to break it to anyone who has trouble keeping their car out of a bike lane (or off a concrete barrier), but it’s not the bike lane’s fault you’re a sh**** driver. If you hit something stationary, that’s your fault. Pay attention to the f****** road while you’re driving. It’s not too much to ask when other people’s lives are literally at stake.”

Collin Woodard in Jalopnik discussing the wierd need by some to blame bike and pedestrian safety infrasturcture for their bad driving.

This week on the podcast, we chat with Miami-Dade County Commissioner Eileen Higgins about the South Dade Busway, the importance of FTA ratings in getting projects built, and why she thinks it’s important as an elected official to ride transit.