Women walking down a busy street. by joey zanotti licensed under Creative Commons.

Learn about the historical and ongoing fight to make cities safer for women during the panel discussion: “Looking Back, Looking Forward: The Safe Cities for Women Movement.” Guests will include: Ana Falu, CISCSA / Women & Habitat Network, National University of Cordoba, Argentina, Kalpana Viswanath, Safetipin and Jagori, Carolyn Whitzman, University of Ottawa, and will be moderated by Kathryn Travers, Women in Cities International.

The panel begins at 9:00 am Wednesday, April 22. This event, hosted by Safetipin, is free and open to the public. Register here

Other (virtual) events from around the region:

Tuesday, April 21

You can learn how to fix a flat — even online: Your bike doesn’t have to sit idle in your basement or apartment hallway anymore. WABA’s DC Bike Ambassadors are offering an online tutorial on how you fix your flat bicycle tire at 12 pm Tuesday, April 21. This course is free and open to the public.

Wednesday, April 22, (Happy 50th Earth Day!)

Join the conversation about public transit in Maryland: As the coronavirus is Impacting lives all over Maryland, it is also impacting transit as well. Learn how public transit has been changing and what it could look like when the pandemic is over, during a public transit virtual town hall from 7 pm to 8:30 pm Wednesday. This event is hosted by Baltimore Transit Equity Coalition, Bikemore, Central Maryland Transportation Alliance, Maryland Sierra Club, and ATU Local 1300, and is free and open to the public. Register here.

Friday, April 24

Can you build the economy back and be resilient at the same time?: As part of their monthly seminars, the College of Agriculture, Urban Sustainability and Environmental Sciences (CAUSES), is hosting a discussion about how to rebuild the economy while maintaining community resilience. Dr. Storm Cunningham, Executive Director of RECONOMICS Institute: The Society of Revitalization and Resilience Professionals, and author of RECONOMICS will lead the discussion. The conversation begins at noon on Friday. While the event is free, registration is required.

Tagged: events

George Kevin Jordan was GGWash's Editor-in-Chief. He is a proud resident of Hillcrest in DC's Ward 7. He was born and raised in Milwaukee and has written for many publications, most recently the AFRO and about HIV/AIDS issues for TheBody.com.