Hands typing on computer stock photo from Syda Productions/Shutterstock.

Our amazing editor, Julie Strupp, is moving on from Greater Greater Washington at the end of December. We’re looking for another terrific person to run this publication, edit articles, manage our full-time Editor & Correspondent, hire and mentor our paid correspondents and fellows, and think about how to make Greater Greater Washington the greatest it can be. Is that you or someone you know?

Over the years Julie Strupp has been with GGWash, she has grown our readership substantially, brought a professional journalistic approach to our procedures, helped launch our Urbanist Journalism Fellowship and four correspondent “beats,” and helped us diversify our topics and the voices we’re featuring on the site.

The next Managing Editor will continue that legacy and bring their own imprint to our site’s growth and development. Their responsibilities will include:

Content and copy editing: (~50% of time):

  • Review submitted articles and decide which ones to accept or reject. Efficiently and tactfully communicate with contributors about status and reasons for the decisions.
  • Edit articles for clarity, grammar, and to match the Greater Greater Washington style guide. Communicate edits to the author and reach agreement on final drafts.
  • Write ledes, headlines, and tweets to maximize post quality, reader interest, and social media referrals.
  • Identify opportunities to creatively vary regular practices around post formats, headlines, and other elements to improve variety, readability, and interest.
  • Manage the pipeline of articles to ensure 3-4 articles go live each day.

Editorial management: (~30% of time):

  • Manage our full-time Editor and Correspondent who spends 50% of time on reporting and 50% on editing. Assign editing tasks and work together with them to align editing practices and collaboratively advance the site’s needs.
  • Coordinate efforts of our two freelance correspondents. Review pitches and arrange regular check-ins. Hire and mentor new correspondents as needed.
  • Cultivate and support volunteer contributors to ensure a dependable, diverse corps of writers who can sustain the volume of high-quality articles about the issues GGWash seeks to cover.
  • Lead the volunteer Editorial Board to provide useful guidance about the site’s direction.

Site performance: (~20% of time):

  • Track metrics and data including those related to readership, traffic, engagement, and the diversity of topics and authors.
  • Collaborate with the Executive Director to set goals and targets to increase performance on chosen metrics.
  • Develop and execute on strategies to achieve targets while maintaining quality.

You can read our full job description here.

To apply, send a resume; a one-page personal narrative discussing why you feel this is a great position for you; and two writing samples to jobs@ggwash.org with “Managing Editor” in the subject line. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis through Sunday, December 8.

David Alpert created Greater Greater Washington in 2008 and was its executive director until 2020. He formerly worked in tech and has lived in the Boston, San Francisco Bay, and New York metro areas in addition to Washington, DC. He lives with his wife and two children in Dupont Circle.