Growing money stock photo from Romolo Tavani/Shutterstock.

We’ve promised to give you, our readers, regular updates on GGWash’s financial picture and our sponsors. Here you go!

As you heard, we secured funding to add four new paid writing opportunities. We were able to hire George Jordan to help our amazing editor Julie Strupp half the time and work on our transportation equity and Tysons beats half the time. Alex Holt and Wyatt Gordon will be our new Maryland and Virginia transportation correspondents — watch for an intro post soon.

Keeping all of this going requires us to hit our yearly targets for individual donations including membership, advertising, and events. You’ll see from the chart below that our advertising and event sponsorship revenue grew in the last quarter, while our membership income was essentially flat. Individual support from readers like you is critical during this slow time of year for new members.

If you haven’t yet joined the GGWash Neighborhood, please make a monthly or yearly contribution to keep our content going!

New revenue programs

In the past month, we’ve started two new revenue programs that you will see on the blog. The first is the GGWash Job Board, which will post positions relevant to our content and our mission. You’ll see some of these pop up in Breakfast Links so we can give these great jobs more visibility. If you are interested in advertising your organization’s open positions, please contact Jane Green.

We will also be launching a sponsored event listing advertising package that allows us to gain revenue from promoting valuable events, like conferences. These paid listings will be identified whenever they are promoted on the site. If you are organizing a conference or other event that would benefit the GGWash community, reach out to Jane Green for details about how it can be featured on the site.

Thank you to our sponsors

We are pleased to work with great organizations who share our mission and our values. You can always visit the Our Supporters page to see which companies and foundations contributed to GGWash. We also have a page that explains how we work with corporate sponsors to maintain our integrity while receiving the revenue that allows us to do our work. Our new sponsor this quarter is ULI Washington, which is partnering with us on an event about urban heat on August 8. We hope to see you there!

Tagged: about ggwash

Jane Fiegen Green was the Development Director at Greater Greater Washington from 2018 to 2020. With a PhD in history and a background in association management for a scholarly society of historians, she worked to bring sustainable revenue streams to support GGWash’s news and advocacy. She lives in the Pentagon City neighborhood of Arlington with her husband and son.