Transit and trails in the “Capital Region” by Greater Washington Partnership.

Are you a journalist in the Baltimore or Richmond metro areas fascinated by how people get around and how governments make decisions which affect people’s access to jobs, schools, and more? Do you value transit, walking, bicycling, and other sustainable means of travel? Or do you know someone like this?

As we announced recently, GGWash is adding some paid writers working on defined “beats” along with our community-generated, volunteer articles and our paid fellowship program. We’re very excited to be able to take this step.

We’re looking for freelance correspondents on a contract basis, one based in Baltimore and one based in Richmond, to write a combination of articles about transportation issues in those metro areas and statewide in Maryland and Virginia, including covering the state legislatures when they are in session. Correspondents will write three short articles and one long article per month and identify community leaders who may also write articles about transportation issues.

If this is you or someone you know, please take a look at the job description and apply, or send this to them!

While Baltimore and Richmond aren’t officially part of the Washington region, people do commute between them and the states of Maryland and Virginia can do more or less, better or worse, to encourage travel among them. Good or bad things happening with transportation in one can be models for their states, and legislators who represent those areas are voting on policies that affect Washington area communities and vice versa.

We are going to be looking for transportation stories that either relate to the interconnectedness of the regions, or relate to state policy, or are just local decisions which might help illustrate ways a community is solving a problem that people in the other regions also share, like road safety for people walking, or how to make transit work well, or community engagement around bike lanes, or many others.

Also, we recently opened another job posting for a Transportation Equity Organizer who will build relationships with community leaders in DC and the Washington area to ensure transportation policies address and rectify historic inequities. We still hope you will consider this role and spread the word!

David Alpert created Greater Greater Washington in 2008 and was its executive director until 2020. He formerly worked in tech and has lived in the Boston, San Francisco Bay, and New York metro areas in addition to Washington, DC. He lives with his wife and two children in Dupont Circle.