Avenue Q Barbies in Logan Circle by Joe Flood licensed under Creative Commons.

Washingtonians showed their patriotism (and enjoyed the summer) in so many ways this week. Here are a few of our favorites, as submitted to the Greater and Lesser Washington Flickr pool!

View of fireworks from the Line Hotel in Adams Morgan by Victoria Pickering licensed under Creative Commons.

Wildflowers along Four Mile Run (near the water treatment plant) in Arlington by Erinn Shirley used with permission.

Promenade, CityCenter DC by Joe Flood licensed under Creative Commons.

Capital Bikeshare by Leeann Cafferata licensed under Creative Commons.

Do you have a photo of something in the Washington region we might want to feature on GGWash (either in Photo Friday, or in any post on GGWash)? Please consider submitting it via the Flickr pool, or if you're not a Flickr user, email it to us at info@ggwash.org with the subject line, “Photo submission.” We hope to see your photo soon!