Prince George's Plaza Metro. PG Plaza Metro station platform by MW Transit Photos used with permission.

Here are a few of our favorite new images submitted to the Greater and Lesser Washington Flickr pool, showcasing the best (and sometimes the worst) of urbanism in the greater Washington region.

Brookland. Brookland street with a flowering tree, car, and rowhouses by ep_jhu used with permission.

Tactical urbanism installation by DC Department of Transformation. tactical urbanism in Dupont Circle by Joe Flood licensed under Creative Commons.

Southwest Waterfront. Municipal Fish Market mural in SW waterfront by Erinn Shirley used with permission.

Connecticut Avenue. wheatpaste of Trump administration officials on utility boxes on Connecticut Ave by Mike Maguire licensed under Creative Commons.

man walking up Metro station stairs as seen from overhead by Rich Renomeron licensed under Creative Commons.

We need your photos! Have a snap that embodies the greatest (or worst) of places in the Washington, DC region? Please join the Flickr pool and submit your own photos!

What's on our photo wish list right now? Anything along the Purple Line route or illustrating the Purple Line, photos from Wards 7 and 8 (east of the Anacostia), and accessory apartments (such as carriage houses, garage apartments, English basements, etc.) are just a few things that would be a huge help!

Tagged: dc, photography

Aimee Custis is a transportation nerd and activist. Her writing represents her own views. When she's not writing about WMATA or curating the GGWash Flickr pool, you’ll find Aimee at home in Dupont Circle, or practicing her other love, wedding photography.