Image by Mark Andre licensed under Creative Commons.

Here are a few of the latest images submitted to the Greater and Lesser Washington Flickr pool, showcasing the best (and sometimes the worst) of urbanism in the greater Washington region.

Image by Joe Flood licensed under Creative Commons.

Image by angela n. used with permission.

Image by Kyle Anderson licensed under Creative Commons.

Cherry blossom composite. Image by David Fronapfel used with permission.

Image by Jim Havard used with permission.

Image by Dan McQuade used with permission.

Image by Mark Andre licensed under Creative Commons.

We need your photos! Have a snap that embodies the greatest (or worst) of places in the Washington, DC region? Please join the Flickr pool and submit your own photos!

What's on our photo wish list right now? Anything along the Purple Line route or illustrating the Purple Line, photos from Wards 7 and 8 (east of the Anacostia), and accessory apartments (such as carriage houses, garage apartments, English basements, etc.) are just a few things that would be a huge help!