Catholic University and Monroe Arts Walk, Brookland. Image by Ted Eytan licensed under Creative Commons.

Thanks to the warm weather, it seems our photography contributors have been out and about, and the Greater and Lesser Washington Flickr pool is flooded with fantastic new images. Enjoy some of our recent favorites, and happy Friday!

Downtown window washers. Image by Jill Slater licensed under Creative Commons.

The Canada Dry building in Silver Spring. Image by Beau Finley licensed under Creative Commons.

Yellow Line. Image by Erinn Shirley licensed under Creative Commons.

H Street NE. Image by Erinn Shirley licensed under Creative Commons.

Image by Mike Maguire licensed under Creative Commons.

Rhode Island Avenue pedestrian bridge. Image by Ted Eytan licensed under Creative Commons.

Brookland. Image by Ted Eytan licensed under Creative Commons.

Image by Ted Eytan licensed under Creative Commons.

Have a photo that depicts the best or worst of urbanism or current events in the Washington region? Whether you took it with a DSLR, your phone, or on film, please join our Flickr pool and submit your own photos!

Tagged: photography

Aimee Custis is a transportation nerd and activist. Her writing represents her own views. When she's not writing about WMATA or curating the GGWash Flickr pool, you’ll find Aimee at home in Dupont Circle, or practicing her other love, wedding photography.