Charter management scrutiny: Some charters have contracts with outside management companies that aren’t transparent enough to ensure the schools are operating appropriately, according to the Public Charter School Board (PCSB). (Post)

Ethics question: The PCSB has asked for an opinion on whether it’s okay for one of its members to work as a consultant for one of the charters the board oversees. (Post)

Charter space race: Shining Stars Montessori suddenly found itself without a home after a landlord signed a more lucrative lease with another charter school for a Petworth location. (Post)

School closure lawsuit: A federal judge has definitively rejected a lawsuit alleging that DCPS had discriminatory reasons for closing 15 schools. (WUSA)

Tests that boost learning: Unlike the once-a-year standardized tests that are accorded so much importance, frequent low-stakes testing actually helps students retain information. (NYT)

Choice leads to sorting: In Chicago, a choice system for high school has led to high-achieving students going to one set of schools and low-achieving students going to another. (WBEZ)

Increasing brainpower: A program that tells kids their intelligence isn’t fixed can lead to higher GPAs for struggling students. (KQED)

More like Finland?: More states are raising barriers to entering the teaching profession, a trend that will result in a better educational system and more respect for teachers. (Slate)

Natalie Wexler is a DC education journalist and blogger. She chairs the board of The Writing Revolution and serves on the Urban Teachers DC Regional Leadership Council, and she has been a volunteer reading and writing tutor in high-poverty DC Public Schools.