Photo of child from Shutterstock.

Ease up on preschoolers: Reacting to a recent report on school discipline from the Office of the State Superintendent of Education, DC Councilmember David Grosso introduced a bill that would prohibit DCPS and charter schools from expelling or suspending pre-kindergarteners. (Post)

Which sector is more likely to suspend students?: DCPS students get suspended more than charter students, according to the OSSE report. Perhaps less surprising, poor, minority, and learning-disabled students are far more likely to be suspended than others. (Post)

Charter competition an opportunity?: Former DC Councilmember Kevin Chavous argues that the opening of a charter school across the street from a DCPS school is an opportunity rather than a threat. Another charter advocate agrees. (Post, Examiner)

Too rosy a picture?: One member of the Public Charter School Board says Richard Whitmire was a little optimistic in his depiction of the potential for DCPS-charter collaboration in Sunday’s Washington Post. (Eduwonk)

Boundary overhaul for Montgomery?: The county council urged school officials to consider redrawing school boundaries to try to address the gap in achievement between the poorer eastern part of the county and the more affluent west. (Post)

The perils of high-stakes testing: A portrait of one school’s involvement in the Atlanta test-cheating scandal shows the effect an unrealistic system can have on well-intentioned educators. (New Yorker)

Another teachers’ union wants Duncan out: Echoing the National Education Association, the American Federation of Teachers passed a resolution calling for the Education Secretary’s resignation if he doesn’t adhere to an “improvement plan.” (Politico)

Education elsewhere: Massachusetts exceeds the state average on most education measures, though not on closing the achievement gap (Post) … The state is also in the middle of a polarized debate over charter expansion (Boston Globe) … California focuses on giving schools funds to meet the needs of foster kids (Huffington Post) … And one New Orleans charter school has a special program for kids with mental health needs. (Hechinger Report).