Photo by brittgow on Flickr.

Nipping community schools in the bud?: This year DC funded a new program that uses schools as hubs for providing social services, but there’s no funding in next year’s proposed budget to sustain or expand the effort just as it’s getting off the ground. (DCFPI)

Reprieve for farm at DCPS school: A one-acre urban farm at the Walker-Jones Education Campus off North Capitol Street, which had been threatened by a development project, will be run by DC Greens. (DCist)

DC school progress too slow?: As a waiver from federal education requirements nears expiration, some, including mayoral candidate David Catania, say efforts to improve the District’s lowest-performing schools haven’t been vigorous enough. (Post)

New high school in Ward 2?: The principal of the pre-K-to-8th Francis-Stevens Education Campus in the West End has proposed extending the school through 12th grade. (Current)

Shooting suspect chronically absent from school: The 14-year-old accused of shooting two people outside the National Zoo on Easter Monday had 35 unexcused and 108 excused absences, along with 3 suspensions for fighting and threats. (News 4)

DC charters deny charges on immigrant students: Officials at BASIS DC and Capital City say they were shocked to see their schools on a list of institutions under federal investigation for discriminating against undocumented children in their admissions policies. (Post)

Montgomery school board to vote on start times: The board will take up a proposal to have high schools start 50 minutes later, at 8:15 am, at its June 17 meeting. (Post)

Police in Montgomery high schools?: The budget proposal for next year calls for putting an officer on every high school campus. (Post)

Integrating preschool programs: Head Start works best when socioeconomic groups mix, as in some parts of DC. (NY Times)

The KIPP approach to preschool: The chief academic officer for KIPP DC’s elementary schools says longer school days for 3- and 4-year-olds can work well, and that he wishes he had the ability to reach kids even earlier than 3. (National Journal)

Keeping 9th graders on track: Ensuring that students have enough credits to move up to 10th grade can increase graduation rates significantly, according to a Chicago study. (Fordham Institute)

Afterschool can boost achievement: The effects are most pronounced for low-income children and math achievement, but programs have to be high-quality, consistent, and last more than just an hour or two a week. (Hechinger Report)

More minority teachers and education activists? Some are calling for more diversity among school teachers and leaders, but others say we need to put the emphasis on effectiveness.

AP at a high-poverty urban school: There’s a struggle to find students who can handle the Advanced Placement workload, but also some bright spots. (View from the Bronx, Ed Week)

Schools flocking to offer computer coding: A national movement to introduce computer science into K-12 curricula is growing fast. (NY Times)