The DC Council is still making some of the most important decisions of the year behind closed doors, and all we had yesterday was 140 characters at a time from Mike DeBonis. DeBonis did manage to tweet some of the Council’s revenue ideas, including a few from our list:

mikedebonis Raising gas tax to MD rate would bring in $3.5M

mikedebonis ‘Selected’ license and permit hikes estimated to raise $5M. Raising drivers license and car registration fees would raise a half mil

mikedebonis Should DC employees pay market rate for their parking rather than just $80 a month? Upping it to $120 would raise $1.2M

mikedebonis T Wells and M Cheh support market rate parking for dc gov workers. Others do not. Evans to wells: ‘when’s drive to work day?’

ggwash And how about charging market rate for Council staffers and, most importantly, Councilmembers? Would never fly of course.

mikedebonis Attn @ggwash: Graham proposes hiking RPP fees: $15 for the first (as now); $50 for the 2nd; $100 for each addl. Will raise $1.8M

By the way, Greater Greater Washington now has a Twitter account. I tweet some of the exciting Breakfast Links ahead of time (when I first find them), links to important articles, and other stuff. Follow ggwash here.

David Alpert created Greater Greater Washington in 2008 and was its executive director until 2020. He formerly worked in tech and has lived in the Boston, San Francisco Bay, and New York metro areas in addition to Washington, DC. He lives with his wife and two children in Dupont Circle.