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The Java Master on September 20, 2022 at 2:04 pm

I would also point out that most proposed mixed-use communities to be built around mass transit nodes would likely be very expensive housing indeed in most instances--clustered townhomes, apartment and condo buildings--that many will simply reject out hand as too crowded, too inconvenient, too inflexible, and too small for growing families and others who prefer a more expansive lifestyle. Fine for an existing urban area perhaps, but why the rush to convert existing suburban communities to dense urban-style villages? And there will always be a large subset of people who have a choice between cars and transit who will simply not take transit if it does not go where they need to be. I cannot imagine the costly build-out of such a large and comprehensive transit system capable of taking everyone to everyplace in a timely manner in comfort and security, hence the private vehicle is the transportation mode of choice for all those who aren't car-haters.

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