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Please Stop on September 18, 2022 at 8:34 am
People overwhelmingly do not want to use transit. And our regional highway system is still trying to recover from decades of interference by environmentalists. Population has continued to boom while 1500 lane miles of capacity was removed from forward looking transportation plans developed in the 1960s. Vehicles today are 99.7% cleaner than in the 70s - according to the EPA. Climate change is a contrived crisis pushed by the same dolts that demanded we eliminate planned capacity because "if we don't build it, they won't come". They were miserably wrong then and this article is more of the same. People choose personal vehicles because they provide flexibility and freedom. The goal of the transportation plan should be to move the most vehicles possible, as efficiently as possible. Buses for those that want or need to use them. There is no utopia and we must not pretend that collectivist mass transportation works, or is affordable outside and urban environment. The $7B metro extension to Dulles will prove that soon enough! Taxpayers and drivers on the Toll Road are projected to have to cover $100M or more operating deficit per year. Brilliant!!

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