Weekend reading: around and around in circles

NYC’s new “hoop” bike rack.

Phew: WMATA reached a deal with the bank trying to shake it down for millions. But it’s not home free yet.

Bike rage or columnist rage? WashCycle patiently explains to WTOP’s Chris Core that cyclists do, indeed, belong on the road, and that maybe if cyclists seem mad at him, he’s passing them too close.

Can we nominate Wells? Councilmember Tommy Wells is seeking nominations for his “2nd Annual Livable, Walkable Community Awards rewarding individuals and organizations that contributed to a livable, walkable community.

Nice rack: New York announces the winner of its bike rack design contest: a big circle. Danish designers created it. What’s with those Scandinavians and their design? Tip: Ben Thielen.

Even townhouses can “tower”: Wheaton residents are protesting some new townhouses, because there will be 36 instead of the zoned 18. They feel that townhouses (which the article calles “townhomes” despite your linguistic objections), are “incompatible with the neighborhood” and will “tower over” their homes.

Around the ‘hoods: The Penn Quarter loses a tree. Is Columbia Heights to blame for retail woes in Mount Pleasant? And Meridian Hill Park will definitely be completed by Spring 3008.