I Wish This Were… in Dupont Circle, part 2

On Monday I started this series with the first three spaces in Dupont Circle that I’d like to see improved. Three more proposals follow.

Scattered around Dupont Circle are the remains the old stairwells that led to the now-abandoned trolley station. There are a total of 9 stairways, now all boarded up. What’s the best use for these spaces?

Whatever happens to the underground space, it seems unlikely all stairwells will be needed. I would like to see these 8’x16’ footprints used to house kiosks.

Dupont gets enough foot traffic to support small businesses, and if managed well, these spaces could enhance the commercial landscape. The city’s new food trucks have proven that good things often do come in small packages. These spaces are the right size for selling coffee, gelato, frozen custard, hot pretzels, or the now-ubiquitous cupcakes. A flower shop might work as well. (In another era, I’d suggest newspapers.)

A skilled architect could come up with a good simple design. My own version is depicted here. For the entrances used as stairwells, a similar structure could be used as a cover.

I’ve already gone on record stating that Shake Shack should consider a park location. The old comfort station west of Dupont Circle remains my favorite spot for a burger joint, though with Shake Shack now open just two blocks south, it seems unlikely we’ll get to recreate the magic they brought to Madison Square Park in New York.

This little triangle deserves to have a more public use for this charming little building.

The Dupont Circle neighborhood is bordered by Rock Creek park, yet somehow barely manages to connect to it at all.

The main entrance to the park is via a pathetic set of stairs by 23rd & P. It leads to a section lovingly nicknamed P Street Beach. The clearing will be used by a few sunbathers in warm weather, but is sadly underutilized. Francis Junior High abuts the park, and offers a basketball court, three tennis courts and an outdoor pool.

There is an old outlet to Rock Creek in the park; I wonder if it’s an old buried feeder creek that could be daylighted.

What could be done to make the park more inviting, to make the park feel more connected to the neighborhood? How do we help people enjoy their proximity to Rock Creek? Volleyball courts? Picnic tables? A dog park? Can a bike/ped bridge be built to connect to the trail on the other side of the creek? I vote for all of the above.

I Wish This Were… is a series where contributors imagine a better use for vacant properties and poorly-conceived public spaces in the DC area.