GGWash Holiday Gift Guide: Neighborhood preserves

Old Fashioned Traffic Jam by Adam Fagan licensed under Creative Commons.

That special person who loves dense, walkable, transit-oriented urban places deserves a gift that fits their passions, so GGWash took a few ideas from last year’s gift guide and added some fresh inspiration. Stay on the “nice” list with practical gifts, make-it-yourself gifts, and aspirational gifts for the urban-dwellers in your life. If some of these things don’t exist, maybe they should.

If you’ve attended a public hearing on new housing, you’ve heard it: we can’t have new development because we need to “preserve neighborhood character.” When people who already own homes use their power to exclude new neighbors, it can really put a damper on the holiday spirit! So here’s a gift idea for new and old neighbors alike, and the great news is you can make it at home: neighborhood preserves. Try welcoming watermelon rind for those hoping to find a home they can afford, or bitter marmalade for folks who don’t want to share the place they love with new neighbors. (A “traffic jam” actually exists; maybe it’s thick enough to get people to switch from driving to transit). Remember, it was the Christmas spirit that opened Scrooge’s heart!

Previous suggestions include a soft, huggable Nimbee (this is real).