Events: Live in NoVA? Join our office hours on 3/5

People in a coffee shop. by Ted Eytan licensed under Creative Commons.

Do you live in Northern Virginia? Are you passionate about making your neighborhood more affordable and easier to get around without a car, but don’t know where to start? Come to our office hours on Sunday, March 5 to chat with Dan Reed, GGWash’s regional policy director.

Dan will be in a coffee shop called Three Whistles in Arlington from 1 PM - 4 PM ready to discuss what we can do to advance GGWash’s mission in Northern Virginia. Dan will be joined by representatives from the Coalition for Smarter Growth, Sustainable Mobility for Arlington County, Washington Area Bicyclist Association, and the YIMBYs of Northern Virginia. If you are curious about how to get more involved, please come through! Learn more here!

Tuesday, February 28:

Learn about the Transportation Technical Assistance Coordination Library: Join the webinar on Tuesday to learn more about the Transportation Technical Assistance Coordination Library (TACL) and how it helps rural and tribal transit agencies access information about public transportation coordination, coordinate among federally funded transit programs, and share resources across agencies to improve transit in their communities. The library contains reports, training seminars, toolkits, and other materials developed by FTA, its technical assistance centers, and its partners. Register here to find out more about TACL and learn how to search its database of rural and tribal transportation coordination resources during this training session.

Provide public testimony at DC’s Performance Oversight Hearings held by the Committee on Transportation & the Environment: The DC Council will hold public hearings on FY 2022 and FY 2023 agency performance from Monday, January 23, 2023 through Friday, March 3, 2023. On Tuesday, the Committee on Transportation & the Environment will hold a hearing with D.C. Water. Learn more about the hearing schedule, how to watch live, and how to provide public testimony here.

Discuss the intersection of race, history, and Rock Creek Park: Join Rock Creek Conservancy and Rock Creek Park as they host a virtual conversation on Race, History, and Rock Creek: Nature as Healing. During personal and national tragedies, social unrest, or other disruptions, many people look to nature as a place for respite, reflection, and renewal. This month’s program, a conversation with Ana Ka’ahanui of Capital Nature, Brenda Richardson of Friends of Oxon Run, and Dr. Jennifer Roberts of the University of Maryland will explore the ways in which Rock Creek can restore our mental and physical health, and how that intersects with race, given the legacy of biophobia and access issues. Learn more about the virtual meeting and register here.

Wednesday, March 1:

Attend the Greater Shady Grove TMD Advisory Committee meeting: Transportation Management Districts (TMDs) provide concentrated services to encourage the use of transit and other commuting options in Montgomery County’s major business districts. Join the virtual meeting held by the Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) with the Greater Shady Grove TMD on Wednesday. The TMD staff works primarily with employers, employees and residents within the TMD to promote adoption of commuter benefits programs by employers and to inform employees and residents about their commuting options. The TMD staff also works to improve transit service in the area, to increase ridership, and to provide transit-friendly amenities. Learn more and access the virtual meeting link here.

Learn about DowntownDC BID’s Pedestrian Safety and Experience study results: In November 2022, the DowntownDC BID partnered with TooleDesign to launch the Pedestrian Safety and Experience Study. The community was successfully surveyed through multiple pop-up events at the DowntownDC Holiday Market, Franklin Park, and an online survey. DowntownDC BID received keen insight into which roadways and intersections downtown need interventions and the community’s consideration for safer, more walkable, and vibrant streets. Learn more about the study and register here.

Thursday, March 2:

Provide public testimony at DC’s Performance Oversight Hearings held by the Committee on housing: The DC Council will hold public hearings on FY 2022 and FY 2023 agency performance from Monday, January 23, 2023 through Friday, March 3, 2023. On Thursday, the Committee on housing will hold a hearing with D.C. Housing Authority. Learn more about the hearing schedule, how to watch live, and how to provide public testimony here.

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