Breakfast links: Two sides of many coins

Photo by takomabiblelot on Flickr.

Adams Morgan ANC commissioner arrested: Nancy Shia, representing northeastern Adams Morgan on ANC 1C, was arrested Sunday for taking pictures of a crime scene. Shia claims she was “just trying to document the scene,” while police claim she was “impeding a police investigation” and opened the door of a police vehicle to get a picture of a juvenile suspect.

Petworth median parking compromise: The Petworth ANC, community and DDOT have reached a compromise about church parking on New Hampshire Avenue. DDOT wanted to replace a concrete median with a landscaped median, but a nearby church has been using it for parking on Sundays. Under the plan, the median will go in, but one of the travel lanes will become a parking lane on Sundays only.

Nobody’s enforcing Capitol Hill meters: What good is having market-rate performance parking meters (which still aren’t actually market rate, yet) when most of the cars parked at them haven’t paid? (Infosnack)

Falls Church kinda-sorta-semi-urban-ish: A resident of Falls Church praises his “bucolic suburban village”‘s transition “towards [a] quasi-urban place” by building some denser, mixed-use buildings on Route 7. Via Planetizen.

Ride-and-drive in Chicago: CTA is creating a unified fare card that’s also an access card for I-GO car sharing services. This coincides with new shared cars that will be parked at CTA lots. (Apparently we have some Zipcars in WMATA lots too).