Events: Let’s talk about the who, how, and why of transportation in the region

Buses, bicyclists, and pedestrians navigating14th Street in DC by BeyondDC licensed under Creative Commons.

Join Leah Brooks, associate professor at the Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration at George Washington University, and Alex Baca, policy manager at Greater Greater Washington, as they discuss the Center for Washington Area Studies’ State of the Washington Region work.

CWAS’ annual report on economic indicators about our region provides some of the most comprehensive and wide-reaching data on who lives in and around the District, and what it costs them to do so. In 2022, CWAS will focus on transportation, following 2021’s report on where the region’s residents live and work.

This webinar, held from 11 am to 12 pm, Oct. 28, will explore who travels, where they go, and how they get there throughout the Washington region. There will be time for Q&A following the discussion. Register here.

Wednesday, October 20

What other states can teach us about housing for all: A bevy of speakers will be on hand to discuss best practices to use social housing to address the housing crisis. Learn how different states effectively implemented social housing campaigns. The conversation begins at 4 pm on Wednesday, October 20. Click here for details.

Tuesday, October 26

A new book presents an oral history of three DC neighborhoods: Author Shilpi Malinowski spent three years collecting oral histories from residents in three DC neighborhoods. Shaw, LeDroit Park, and Bloomingdale. Now she shares her finding in a new book: Shaw, LeDroit Park and Bloomingdale in Washington, DC: An Oral History during a paneled discussion with narrators from the project. This free event will be held from 5:30 pm to 8 pm, October 26, at Seaton Elementary School, 1503 10th Street NW, Washington, DC. Click here for more details.

Thursday, October 28

How Northern Virginia came to be: Learn the history of how Northern Virginia developed into “the places we live, work and entertain in today,” and what lessons we can bring into the future. Join Andrew Painter, a shareholder with Walsh Colucci Lubeley & Walsh PC, a law firm based in Arlington known for their land use expertise in Northern Virginia, as he talks about the history of NoVA’s built environment from 5 pm to 6:15 pm, Oct. 28. Click here for more information.

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